All blog posts
- TDS 016: Draw Steel's Codex VTT
- How to Introduce Draw Steel to Your Friends
- TDS 015: Draw Steel's New Classes
- TDS 014: Draw Steel is (Content) Complete
- Let's Make a Draw Steel Hero in Forge Steel! ☞
- TDS 013: Draw Steel Complications & Consumables
- TDS 012: Draw Steel Reaches Level 10 ☞
- Green Fog at Morning | Draw Steel One-Shot ☞
- TDS 011: Draw Steel Gets Revised
- You Meet in an Ambush
- TDS 010: Draw Steel Backer Playtest
- Getting Started with Draw Steel (Backer Preview)
- TDS 009: Draw Steel Treasures & Negotiation
- TDS 008: MCDM RPG Is Now Draw Steel
- TDS 007: MCDM RPG Prototype & Mouthfeel
- TDS 006: MCDM RPG Monster Design
- TDS 005: MCDM RPG Character Creation
- Frieren elves
- TDS 004: MCDM RPG Tests & Kits ☞
- Warlocks, Bards, and Mystic magic
- Why dice?
- D&D and the dice math
- TDS 003: MCDM RPG Power Rolls ☞
- TDS 002: MCDM RPG Playtest Report ☞
- Worldbuilding pt. 08: politics
- TDS 001: MCDM RPG Backerkit & Classes ☞
- Worldbuilding pt. 07: planes
- Worldbuilding pt. 06: magic
- Worldbuilding pt. 05: history
- Worldbuilding pt. 04: species
- Worldbuilding pt. 03: planet
- Worldbuilding pt. 02: pantheon
- Towards better alignment
- Worldbuilding pt. 01: cosmology
- Hexmap from scratch ☞
- One D&D Wild Shape analysis
- GEM: Gear Enhancement Method
- Towards better magic items
- Dice roller ☞
- Hello, world!