You Meet in an Ambush

You Meet in an Ambush

· Caio Lente · #adventure  #draw-steel 

I made something!

TL;DR: free download here at


You Meet in an Ambush is a one-shot adventure for Draw Steel. It’s based on Bay of Blackbottom, but with a few twists…

Much like Bay of Blackbottom, this one-shot takes about 2 to 3 hours to complete and is optimized for five 1st-level heroes. It works as a gentle introduction to the Draw Steel system, demonstrating the main mechanics that make up the game. Unlike the playtest adventure, however, You Meet in an Ambush assumes that the characters don’t know each other and gives them a reason to become a party with a common goal. It also takes place in an environment well-known to any fantasy TTRPG player: a tavern. The hope is that this adventure can be the beginning of any fantasy campaign, easing D20 players into the heroic gameplay from a familiar place.

You can download it right now for free on Itch at the link above!


This is the first adventure I have ever designed, so expect a few rough edges. I tried to mirror Bay of Blackbottom’s structure and encounters as much as possible exactly because I thought it was a great adventure, but I might have messed something up.

If you have any constructive feedback about the adventure, please let me know! You can tweet at me @thedicesociety or send me an email at

Thanks for playing!
